365 Days Daily Auspicious Dates Report  365天每日吉祥日运辰报告






 (50美元 / 65新币)

 - 您的12月份吉祥运辰分析

 - 您的每日吉祥运程分析

此分析报告大约11         (中、英文版)



延续至202512 - $108



Purchased your 365 Daily Lucky Numbers Report and 365 Daily Auspicious Days Report.  On the days you prescribed to be good, I followed your advises to purchase my 4Ds numbers.  The whole year, I have won 7 times, winnings of over 65K.  Great reports!       Ah Huat, 35, Singapore

Your 365 Days Daily Auspicious Days Forecast Report is a personalised “tong shu 通书”, colour code report telling you the various auspicious days for various activities.  It also advise on the inauspicious days so that you can lay low.


Your 365 Days Daily Auspicious Days Forecast Report also comes with detail instructions on how to use it to ensure that you reap maximum out of it!


2024, 365 Days Daily Auspicious Days Forecast Report




  (USD 50 / SGD 65)

 - Your monthly auspicious forecast

 - Your daily auspicious forecast

This analysis is about 11 pages        (English or Chinese Version)



Extends to December 2025 - $108



This “tong Shu” is so easy to read and understand!       Ms Wen, 43, Singapore


I purchased this 365 Days Daily Auspicious Dates Report with some doubts.  Overtime, I compared this with the Chinese “tong Shu” and discovered that it is a lot easier to understand with the color codes.  Moreover, this is personalised!       James Tay, 50, Singapore
