Compatibility Analysis Services   情感搭配分析服务

Are you always puzzled with all the differences you have with your loved ones, friends, family’s members, clients, colleagues, superiors, subordinates, maid, and etc?  You feel frustrated and do not know how to carry on with these relationships. 

Find out more on your relationship problems and learn how to solve them!

NumerologyFan can come up with a compatibility analysis report to help you to understand why this is so.


Basic Compatibility Analysis Report (USD 12 / SGD 15)

NumerologyFan tells you about the compatibility based on



Comprehensive Compatibility Analysis Report (USD 38 / SGD 45)

Up to 20 pages report analyzing the relationship between the 2 of you.

- Analysis of both destinies and compatibility

- Analysis of both personalities and compatibility

- Analysis of both ambitious and compatibility

- Analysis of both first impression to others and compatibility

(Only English Version)                                   


12 Months Compatibility Forecast Report (USD 15 / SGD 25)

Up to 20 pages report analyzing the relationship between the 2 of you for 12 months.

- Analysis of both yearly forecast and compatibility

- Analysis of both 12 months monthly forecast and compatibility

(Only English Version)                                   


The followings information will be required from both for this service:

- Birth Name (as in birth certificate)

- Other Names (when started using)

- Date of Birth

- Time of Birth

- Country of Birth

- City of Birth

- If change name before, when & your previous name/s



Your Compatibility report helped me to highlight the issues that my husband and me were having.  It forced me to reflect upon myself on the things that I always took for granted.  I have now adjusted myself and learned to communicate more.  Our relationship is more stablised.  Thank you NumerologyFan !       Nancy Foo, 38, Singapore




NumerologyFan 能为您进行您两的适合程度分析工作来帮助您了解为什么。


基本适合程度分析报告 (12美元 / 15新币)

100分为标准,NumerologyFan 告诉你们俩的适合程度的百分比。


详细适合程度分析报告 (38美元 / 45新币)


- 分析双方下一年的运辰与适合程度

- 分析双方12月的运辰与适合程度                                  (限英文版)


12月份适合程度分析报告 (15美元 / 25新币)


- 分析双方一年的运辰与适合程度

- 分析双方12月的运辰与适合程度                                  (限英文版)



- 出生姓名(按照出身证明)

- 其它姓名(什么时候开始用)

- 出身日期(年月日)

- 出身时间

- 出身国家

- 出身城市

- 如更改过姓名,什么时候更改和之前姓名



I always find that the issues with my boyfriend and myself were all the faults of him until I purchased the Comprehensive Compatibility Report 2 years ago.  The report opened my eyes to the issues and the flaws I have in myself.  Following the suggestions in the report, I must admit that our relationship is much healthier than before.  I am also more understanding than before.  I am getting married in 2012.  Thanks a lot NumerologyFan!       Madeline Oh, 24, Singapore


Master Jason, wanna tell you that your prediction about a break up this month was very accurate.  In fact, it was a very hurting break up for me.  Thanks for sounding the alert to me early.       Singh, 32, Singapore


I purchased the Compatibility package for myself and my daughter.  It really provided an eye opening to make me realized the issues that I had difficulties communicating with my daughter.  The suggestions were very helpful indeed!  Thanks Master Jason!       Alvin, 41, Singapore
