365 Days Daily Forecast Report (USD 384 / SGD 45)

- Your yearly summarize forecast

- Your monthly summarize forecast

- Your daily forecast

This analysis is about 29 pages  See Sample Here  (English or Chinese Version)


365 Days Daily Lucky Numbers Forecast Report (USD 38 / SGD 45)

- Your life time lucky numbers forecast

- Your yearly lucky numbers forecast

- Your monthly lucky numbers forecast

- Your daily lucky numbers forecast

This analysis is about 11 pages   See Sample Here   (English or Chinese Version)


Name Analysis Report (USD 15 / SGD 20)

- Analyzes the kind of influence a name has on the human psyche.  This includes characteristics, first impression to others & inner ambitions.

This analysis is about 5-7  pages     (Only English Version)


Personality Analysis Report (USD 25 / SGD 30)

- Tells you about your personality, Strengths & Weaknesses.  This includes your Name Analysis, destiny & the route to your destiny.

This analysis is about 6-11 pages     (Only English Version)


Life Destiny & Personality Profiling Report (USD 60 / SGD 70)

Term as the formal personal consultation for whole life in written form!

- Your destiny

- Your characteristics

- Your ambitions

- Your first impressions projecting to others

- Main flaws in your life

- Your physical, emotional, mental and intuitive capabilities

- Your key challenges you will encounter throughout your life

- Your key peaks you will encounter throughout your life

- Your key cycles throughout your life

This analysis is about 25 - 30 pages     (Only English Version)


Lucky Colors & Natural Stones Report (USD 12 / SGD 15)

- Tells you about your lucky colors and natural stones

This analysis is about 2 pages  (English or Chinese Version)


Health Issues & Suitable Food Report (USD 12 / SGD 15)

- Tells you what your major health issues you will encounter in life

- Provides a list of most suitable herbs, foods & fruits for you

This analysis is about 2 pages  (English or Chinese Version)


Address Analysis Report  (USD 7.50 / SGD 10 per address, 25% off when order 3 addresses reports)

- Tells you about your home, work or other addresses means to you.

- Gives an indication on the kinds of events and experiences, both positive and negative that you will likely encounter during your stay in that address

This analysis is about 2 page   (English or Chinese Version)


Telephone Number Analysis Report  (USD 7.50 / SGD 10 per number, 25% off when order 3 number reports)

- Tells you about your home, work, fax, mobile or other telephone number means to you.

- Provides an insight on the form of contacts and communications that are channeled through this number.

This analysis is about 2 page   (English or Chinese Version)

365天每日运程报告 (38美元 / 45新币)

- 您的年度运辰分析

- 您的12月份运辰分析

- 您的每日运程分析

此分析报告大约29   看样本     (中、英文版)


365天每日吉祥号码报告 (38美元 / 45新币)

- 您的人生吉祥号码分析

- 您的年度吉祥号码分析

- 您的12月份吉祥号码分析

- 您的每日吉祥号码分析

此分析报告大约11     看样本   (中、英文版)


姓名分析报告 (15美元 / 20新币)

- 以您的姓名来分析你的感觉与灵感包括个性、第一印象和内心欲望。

此分析报告大约5-7     (限英文版)


性格分析报告 (25美元 / 30新币)

- 知道自己的性格,优点,缺点等包括姓名分析、命运与命运路程。

此分析报告大约7 - 11     (限英文版)


人生运辰与性格报告 (60美元 / 70新币)


- 您的人生运辰分析

- 您的性格分析

- 您的人生隐藏的潜能

- 您给他人的第一印象

- 您的人生缺陷

- 您的人生的生理、心理、感性及自觉性的能力

- 您的人生的关键障碍

- 您的人生的关键顶峰

- 您的人生的关键周期

此分析报告大约25 - 30     (限英文版)


幸运颜色和天然石报告 (12美元 / 15新币)

- 告诉您的幸运颜色和天然石

此分析报告大约2   (中、英文版)


健康和饮食报告 (12美元 / 15新币)

- 告诉您人生最关键的健康问题

- 提供您最适合的药材、食物和水果

此分析报告大约2   (中、英文版)


地址分析报告 (7.50美元 / 10新币,一个地址,一次3个地址,享有7.5)

- 您的家、公司或者其它地址分析报告

- 告知您在此地址,您会经历什么样的事项和经验

此分析报告大约2     (中、英文版)


电话号码分析报告 (7.50美元 / 10新币,一个电话号码,一次3个号码,享有7.5)

- 您的家、公司、传真、手机或者其它电话号码分析报告

- 告知您通过此号码,您将会有什么样的联系人、事项等

此分析报告大约2     (中、英文版)

Report Type Services   报告类服务
